Friday, May 30, 2008

Today when I delivered mail all stin'kin day in the heat I wondered HOW IN THE HELL do some people manage to make in through life being so stupid, hateful, or just plain ignorant???

One woman walked up to me as I was putting mail in the big ole neighborhood box unit ( you know... those big boxes that hold about 20 individual mail boxes that each family has their own key to right?) well she says HEY GIVE ME MY MAIL WILL YA? ( never tells me her name or address, not a "Hi how are you? If your not BUSY may I interrupt you... etc") well I just smile my charming mail chick smile and say...

What's your address Ma'm? she snarls THAT'S NONE OF YOUR EFFIN' BUISINESS!! ( okaaayyy)

Maybe the heat makes me cranky... But I SWEAR the cold does. REALLY I am a very sweet person in the summer. But some days it just seems that all the nutlogs just come out in DROVES!!! Or maybe they all just tend to annoy me on the same day. I'm not sure.

On my way to lunch a man was in his car to the left of me which put him on my passenger side. That window of my truck was rolled up. He was trying to yell at me OVER HIS BLARING THUMPING STEREO, and across his passenger seat, across a lane of traffic, through my closed window, across my truck....( Becky does eyeball roll) I know he's trying to get my attention because he starts waving at me so I cheerfuly ( ok smart-ass-ed-ly) wave back. BUT then he has to go and flip me off. OK THAT was un nessesary.
Then he squeals his tires and apparently that is supposed to impress me. Or something. Hell, he probably wanted me to give him his dang mail.

After an 11 hour day I was whooped. Beat down. Wore clear out. Hot. Sweaty. Probably smelly too.

I came home and took a 20 min cold shower, at a snickers, drank a pepsi and felt mucho bettero.