Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Things Bean Taught Me

Root Beer Tastes Better In Glass Bottles

                                             It's cute now, later it will make girls SWOON!
                                                          Reading in bed is RAD!
                                 You can be anything you dream you can be. ( Even an elephant)
                                      Let your aunt put makeup on you. Then rock the look.

Things Bean Taught Me

                                                   Hug your friends.... A LOT!
                           Have enough patience to teach me now, and my wife will appreciate it later.
                  If someone falls asleep on your couch, they get a blanket. No questions asked.

Things Bean Taught Me

 If you screw up, be sure to take the punishment like a man.
 You'll find all SORTS of cool stuff, if you simply look around you!
 Reach for the stars... or the leaves... just be sure to REACH!

Things Bean Taught Me

It's been a little over a year now that Bean has been living with us. He turned 2 in December which makes him officially 28 months old.
When did I stop thinking of him in 'months'?
I can barely remember a time when I wasn't a G.G. and I  like that.
But it's been a LONG time since I blogged here, so I better catch everyone up.
My oldest girl had a son. The first time I saw an ultrasound picture, it looked like a teeny black and white jelly bean. Thus the name 'bean' was spawned. The name stuck. A good friend from high school allowed me to swipe her rad nickname of G.G. ( gorgeous grandma) because I'm just way to hot to be GRANDMA, nana or any of the other stuff. my pal wasn't a G.G. yet herself, so THANKS C, for letting me be a G.G. first! It's a rad name. ( she's a G.G. now too by the way)
Bean came to live with Pop and G.G. so mom could get her life straight. so far it's still crooked. That is all I shall say on that.
I'm back in college full time, only 2 semesters from my BA in psychology! Then it's on to graduate school!

I started posting tons of photos of Bean on my facebook, with short captions, entitled "Things Bean Taught Me".  I got so many positive replies, I decided to post them here.

I hope these pearls of wisdom bring you joy, enlighten you...
Hell I who am I kidding? I just hope you think my grandbean is as cute as I do, and maybe laugh your ass off once in a while.
Sometimes You Want To Choke The Ones You Love