Monday, February 16, 2009

This was our luch yesterday!! We decided to eat 'Authentic Korean food. We found a little place that had great looking pictures in the window, and went in to try it out! The entire menu was in Korean, so we just pointed at the picture that looked good! And it sooooo WAS! I tried a teeny bite of the gross stuff, and about threw the hell up. But I TRIED IT. so thats what counts.

While we were walking around shopping, this vending machine cracked us UP!! What's the other option... Coffee WITHOUT a can???

Isn't my hubby a cutie pie?? We both ate like authentic Korean, chopsticks and EVERYTHING!! : )

This is one place I was NOT about to experiance. ... can you IMAGINE what they serve here??

Last night we grabbed a late night meal at McDonalds.. even there, it has a "Korean flair" The workers wear brown uniforms with berets, and the menu is different! They have yakimandu burgers, shrimp burgers, spicy chicken something or other burgers... green tea shakes even! and like most restraunts, you can order by the 'set' where 3 people can eat. you get 3 main dishes, 3 sides and 3 drinks for one price. usualy for what we'd pay for less than 2 meals in the states. Chris got a yakimandu burger and I stuck with nuggets. we both got fries and a drink. They didnt bother to ask us WHAT we wanted to drink OR what sauce I wanted. they gave me sweet and sour sauce and it wasnt the same kind they have in the U.S. ( but it was still good) the fries werent NEARLY as salty, and NONE of the tables have salt or pepper on them and come to think of it NONE of the restraunts have salt or pepper on the tables, OR sugar. even the 'american' restraunts like outback! we got ONE Ketchup packet for both of us, and our drinks were small sized and we were both given cokes. ( the only other choices would have been fanta or coke zero and sprite. )
When we dumped our tray even THAT was different! there was a hole to dump your ice and soda, a hole for food, a hole for paper trash and a hole for the cups. then you put your tray on a rack. All through the airport ( and everywhere else) there are trash bins with recycle bins. you put paper in one can, plastic bottles in another and trash in another. NOBODY throws trash on the ground, and everywhere you look, somone is cleaning up. Its a very clean and well kept place!

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