Monday, February 16, 2009

We went to a show called "Cookin' with Nanta" tonight!! It's one of the top 10 tourist attractions in Seoul!! It's been running for over 12 years, and is the longest running show in Korea, since 1974!!!
It's 6 actors ( one is female) who all dance and use cooking utensils as drums, and knives and chop, dance, fling food, fire, water, etc!! its really funny, amazing and just an amazing show!!
the premise is the 'manager' tells the 'cooks' a wedding is planned and they have to cook a huge meal by 6pm ( its 5pm when he tells them) and oh btw, his nephew is here and is going ot join them to help cook ( nephew is a misfit and screws up all night long)
so they are all banging on pots, and pans in perfect rythym, choping heads of lettuce, onion, and throwing knives, plates, and chopping, banging knives, like a drum corps while dancing in perfect sync! the audiance gets into it, clapping and cheering them on....
well at one point, the manager comes in to 'taste the soup' and he gives it a thumbs down, so the cooks need some help to get another opinion... they come into the audiance to get some help. who do they pick?? a female, and ( Im pointing at chris..) THEY PICK CHRIS!! hahah!!
He goes up and they dress him up with a hat and little shirt, and hand him a bowl of soup. they make a big show of making him taste it, then pretend to chase a fly around stage, swatting it with huge knives, then while one cook 'distracts' chris, the fly 'lands' in his 'soup' then they make him 'eat it' ( the pretty cook spoon feeds it to him). then they pretend that they hear a loud fart and it MUST have come from chris... and chris played along and that it was the soup made him do it... HE WAS JUST PERFECT!! The audiance was just HOWLING with laughture!!! I was CRYING I was laughing so hard!! ( in the very beginning they said we couldnt take pics or video damnit)!!
Well then the cooks announced that the happy couple was the couple that was GETTING MARRIED!! lmao!!! AND at the very end of the production, when all the cooks had a HUGE drum scene with kettles full of water, pounding on them, water flying all over... the audiance was clapping, cheering etc, the final scene was a 'wedding photo' on the backdrop of... CHRIS AND THE WOMAN!!! hahahaah!!!
as a thank you for participating, they gave him 2 photos of it, and a cel phone charm!!
while we were walking out, the woman and her parents stopped us, and asked chris to pose for a picture with her! they thanked him over and over for getting up there, and said he was GREAT!! She asked us where we were from, and they were just tickled to death to meet us! they kept bowing and saying "Kam sam ee dah"!! ( thank you) over and over, and bowing.
we both bought "Nanta T-shirts" to commemerate his wedding day! : )

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