Friday, February 13, 2009

I forgot to explain the pics in last nights post! whoops! 
Rather than "exit" the signs say "WAY OUT" ha ha! I find this semi funny.. I'm always thinking of some stoned hippy asian saying 'way out dude....' ok so I'm easily amused. so what. 

The Korean McDonalds every other block was self explanatory, but thought it deserved a pic as well. : )

Today I'm carrying my camera like a tourist, and I WILL get lots more pics I SWEAR IT!! I hope I find another squatting toilet. I have to get a pic of that for Kayla. She found that totaly HILARIOUS! Me? not so much. I was just happy  I didn't have to poop. Thank God for small favors huh?

I found some REALLY YUMMY instant coffee here of all things! mocha type, with cream and sugar already added in single serving packets! and the best part is that its SUPER CHEAP! YAY FOR A TASTY BARGAIN! 

I woke up to a freakin ROOSTER crowing this morning. wth?? a ROOSTER? We are in the CITY.. not a FARM for cryin out loud! So I just woke Chris up. That's what a good wife DOES right? And like a good husband, he didn't complain ONE BIT! ( nudge wink) 

Ok we're off for more shopping fun with Ric!! 


Stepped on a Lego Homeschool said...

Becky it sounds like you are having a GREAT time so far. I am already lmao at your stories :) I can't wait to see more pics! Please tell 'Chrissy Poo' HI for me :)

Cheryl said...

Becky it sounds like you are having a GREAT time so far. I am already lmao at your stories :) I can't wait to see more pics! Please tell 'Chrissy Poo' HI for me :)

OOPS used Chris' account to post that lol :)