Saturday, February 07, 2009

I'm so excited! I'm leaving for Seoul, Korea in 3 days and a wake-up!!! YIPPEE!!! I can't WAIT to see my hubby! ( and go SHOPPING!!)

I have to work Monday and Tuesdy, but I am taking off for Austin as soon as I get off work Tues. Well I have to take Zeus to the Doggy Hotel first, THEN head to Austin!

My flight leaves at 7:30 am, and since it's international, I have to be there 3 hours early! ( ick) so I decided to just spend the night in a hotel so I wont have to get up any earlier than necessary, and I'll be close to the airport.

Zeus gets a little vacation too! He tends to eat furniture when we leave him alone too long, ( our couch lost some stuffing last week when he made a break from his kennell, along with a sock, a magazine, half the trash, a water bottle, and Kayla's favorite hair bow) I found a really nice Dog Hotel out by Stillhouse, so he's going there! We went to check it out last week, and he met all the owners dogs. They have 17!! he LOOOVED it! He was feeling all big and bad becaue everyone was shorter than him, and nobody bit his ankles like Toby does. WELL! They let out their Irish Wolfhoud, and Zeus instantly FLIPPED on his back, feet in the air, CRYING like a big ole' baby! Mr. Wolf Hound wandered over to see what the fuss was about, and Zeus just closed his eyes, apparently thinking he was about to be eaten alive, and didn't want to see the 'end' comming.
But Zeus is resiliant, in a dumb sort of way, and got back up on his shaky legs and sniffed some wolf hound crotch and was back in the game in no time. I think he's going to have just as much fun on HIS vacation as I am on MINE!!

ok, maybe not QUITE as much fun... *I* get to SHOP!! ( ( evil grin)
Old man Toby will stay at home with butters the cat. He's too old and cranky to play well with others. I have my neighbor looking in on him to feed and water him and let him out to do his buisiness. I hope he's not too lonely, my poor Tobster Struedle.

Kayla is staying with her friend Skyla, and she turns EIGHTEEN 2 days after I get home! I can hardly believe it. Was'nt it just a few months ago that *I* was 18???

Hunter turns 13 on the 21st and he's begging us to get him a REAL ninja throwing star. yeah. THAT will go over really well at school. Ok he says' I'll settle for a dummy grenade. ( eye roll) .

Well keep your eyes peeled for more excititng updates of my trip, and I'll have lots to say I'm sure!! You know meee!!!


Adoption Etiquette said...

Wishing you a safe and happy journey! I'll be checking back for pics. -Ali

Anonymous said...

You're gonna have such an awesome time! Take lots of pics!!!!

Cheryl said...

Becky I hope you have an AWESOME time and I will be following your trip. I definitely know it will be entertaining LOL! ;) (((HUGS))) and I am praying you have a safe trip!