Saturday, June 28, 2008

During the convoys, the differences between male and female really became apparent. There is no way to be tactful about it, but it was the "Pee" issue. Iraq is the FLATTEST place I've ever seen in my life. There isn't a bush, a stick or a hill to hide behind to 'do your buisiness. And as we travled across the miles and miles of sand, we could'nt wander off from the safet of the vehicles.

The guys could just hunker up to a vehicle and undo their fly. The females had a whole mess of crap to go through to go pee! My flack vest and L.B.V. ( load bearing vest), which held 2 full canteens, a bayonett, 6 full magazines of ammo, a first aid kit and my gas mask. This heavy vest came down several inches past the waist band of my pants, so I had to take both of those off, then undo my pants, and of course there was no 'hunkering' for me! During convoys we were almost always in hostile areas, or where the threat was unknown so we assumed it was hostile. The safest way to relieve ourselves was to do so inbetween vehicles while other's 'pulled gaurd'

I drove a Humm-v full of R.S.O.P. soldiers, and 4th Infantry soldiers who had been attatched to us when we arrived in Kuwait. The 4th ID soldiers were our security. They were just as good at pulling pee gaurd for me as my own guys were! Each time we'd pull over to re-fuel, I'd get out and ask 'Ok boys, who's pulling pee gaurd this time?" somoen would groan and moan and get down, put his back to me, pull out his weapon and pull guard while I did my buisiness. The others would politely turn their heads. As the weeks and months went by, we pretty much forgot to be embarrassed or annoyed by our bodily functions. Not a day went by that I didnt see somnes bare ass out in the wind and sand. We all just looked away when it happned.

Once when "Whee" was pulling Pee Guard for me during a convoy, it was really windy, which results in the pee going totaly sideways, and soaking your leg or left or right boot if your not fast enough to crab -turn -around. So as Whee starts pulling guard he is yelling at me "Ladd, I SWEAR TO GOD if you get ONE DROP on me I will BEAT YOUR ASS! ONE SINGLE DROP LADD! NOT ONE DROP! That became the mantra of my truck for the next several day ( not ONE drop Laddie) haha very funny guys.

But seriously, what more can a girl ask for? How many people have had a truck load of men willing to stand guard for them while you're at your most vulnerable?

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