Thursday, June 05, 2008

There's this one older lady on a route I'll call Mrs. T. She's the sweetest thing EVER! She has a little poodle named 'Taffey' who I feed a dog treat every day I do that route. If Taffey isnt outside, or I dont have a pkg to deliver, I leave the treat on the porch for her.

Well the other day, Mrs. T came to the door just crying her eyes out. of course I asked her what was wrong, and she told me her daughter had been taking care of all her bills for the past year. She just found out her daughter had not been paying ANY of them! Not her mortgage, her insurance, her car payment NOTHING! she'd changed all the bills to come to another address so she didnt even know they were about to reposess her car and forclose on her house until her daughter came over and threw a bunch of bills at her and said she wasn't going to deal with is any more.

Poor Mrs. T sobbed as she asked me 'What do I do?? I dont know how to pay bills! I dont know what to do to keep my car and my house! I'm so mad at my daughter! How could she do this to me! She's been stealing all my money for a year or more!

So I told her to find a lawyer in the phone book, ask for a free consultation, and take all her bills to him. She'd already taken her daughter off her bank account, so that was good at least. My heart just hurt so much for her.

As we stood there talking, she calmed down a little and I fed Taffey another treat. She told me 'Becky you know you show me more kindness every day you stop by here and ask me how I'm doing then listen to me when I answer you, than my own daughter does. I just smiled and told her that lots of people are nice, and her daughter is probably just in a bad place in her life right now, and one day she'd come around.

Then Mrs. T asked me how she could change her will. She said she was so upset with her daughter she wasnt sure she could ever forgive her, and could that lawyer she found help her change her will? I assured he any lawyer could do that. She said she wanted her grandkids to get everything rather than her daughter.

Then she blew me away.
No she didnt offer to leave me her wealth. She asked me something I didn not expect though...
She said 'Becky, If I pass on before my baby Taffey does, would you consider taking her to live with you? She loves y ou so much! She can hear your mail truck comming and she knows whether or not it's you or that other mail man! My heart could rest easy if I knew my baby had a loving home to go to if I couldnt be here. None of my family even LIKES her! I dont know WHAT my daughter would do with her.. Will you promise me to take her???

WOOOWWW talk about humbeling me.

Of course I told her yes, and I gave her my address and phone number 'just in case'

then I thought evil thoughts to her wicked-wicked daughter all day long.

1 comment:

Navasha said...

See how nice you are?