Wednesday, June 04, 2008

We went to see the new Indiana Jones movie this past weekend. I was semi disapointed in it.
I mean Harrison baby is STILL HOT-HOT-HOOOOT!!! ( I sang that last 'hot' in high oprera voice just f.y.i.) But this last Indy movie was just 'eh' for me. The beginning drug, the fight scenes were the same old same old and then they brought in freaking ALIENS???? oh come ON NOW!!

It made me feel OOOOLLLDD!! I know it's been um what? about TWENTY FIVE YEARS since his last Indiana Jones movie? And I could almost HEAR the sighs of the young chicks when that young boy ( his son) came on screne. I think it was set up for HIM to 'steal the show' and that made me sad. ( maybe THAT was what made me feel old???) Or maybe it was when Indy baby got married in the end? HEY STEPHEN SPIELBURG YOU SHOULD KNOWWWW THE SEXY ARCHAEOLOGIST NEEEVER SETTLES DOWN AND GETS MARRIED!!! ( sigh)

anyway, for a sixty something dude, he can still make my heart go pitter-pat, but the best part?? My hubby took me to see him, and THAT made little hearts come out of my eyes!!( or was that the 4 candy bars I snuck into the theater in my purse??)

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