Saturday, June 28, 2008

our R.S.O.P. Team. Im 5th from the left in the front row. This was taken in Kuwait the day we left for Iraq.
We'd been in Kuwait for about 2 weeks when Chris and the other's on supercargo finally arrived. I was SO happy to see him again! We wer'ent able to speak to each other, which was AWFULL, but a few of our friends knew we were 'dating' so we let them in on our secret, and they helped us pass letters back and forth to each other. It was strange, after leading a regular dating life, to have to basicly ignore each other, and communicate only with love letters, smuggled to each other through friends!! We also devised a 'signal' that meant "I love you". I'd pat my heart with my hand and he'd do the same back at me. Sounds so corny, but I'd see him walking across the site, and I'd slap my chest, and he'd grin at me and smack his chest back. Some days it really was the only thing that made me smile.

Some things I'll never forget. Some have no real significance to anyone but me. Others are remembered by all of us in Echo battery. There were nights that I was just happy to have made it to that sunset alive...then I'd realize that I may not live to see the sunrise. It wasn't as if safety came with nightfall. The day wasn't over when the sun went down. The enemy didn't clock out at a1700 hours. You never knew when it was going to end or when it was safe, or when it would be all over for you as a person in this world. We all came face to face with our reality and shook hands with it. I felt better sleeping with my boots on, and one hand always touching my weapon. Living this way was a very new way of life for me, and I became a very different person.

On the way out of Kuwait into Iraq, our R.S.O.P team was the first leave. We loaded up our hum-v's and in 'Full Battle Rattle', headed out. As we walked across site to the trucks, Sgt Lopez yelled 'Eye of the tiger Laddie' ( My last name was Ladd then, and everyone called me "Laddie or Mom") We both laughed as he 'sang' the theme song to "Rocky". He caught my eye and told me to be careful, and said "We'll see you on the other side" I walked to my truck listening to others holler "good luck" and "go get 'em" The sun was bright and we flew our flags from each truck. I drove off and never felt like more of an American than in that instant. I knew I was off to war, even though I'd been in country for a month. This was it and we all knew it. I heard the theme song from 'Rocky' in my head and had to smile...."Eye of the Tiger" oh yeahhhh look out Iraq, here we come!

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